It was produced from coarse clay containing straw and other organic materials.
In 1825 it was reported that, " in digging about them, urns made of the coarsest clay, containing human dust and bones were found.
The underlying minerals around the middle and upper Bigge are made up to a considerable degree of schistose, partly chalky clays and coarse clay.
The courts will be made of layers of clinker ash ( burned coal ), coarse clay ( crushed red brick and tile ) and very fine clay.
Further work demonstrated that the coarse clay fraction had the greatest carbon to nitrogen ratio, greatest minimum residence time in the soil based on 14 C radioisotope dating, and contained carbon most recalcitrant to microbial digestion.
Devising his own way of working which dispensed with the traditional sculptor's armature, he began working with random clay elements, constructed of coarse clay with uniform thickness, so that sculpture could develop, be turned and incorporate subconscious impulses in building the work.
The Hagia Triada sarcophagus is a stone sarcophagus elaborately painted in fresco; one style of later Ancient Greek sarcophagus in painted pottery is seen in Klazomenian sarcophagi, produced around the Ionian Greek city of Klazomenai, where most examples were found, between 550 BC ( Late Archaic ) and 470 BC . They are made of coarse clay in shades of brown to pink.